• 3003-2020
    Washers for Loosening Fastening Schemes Commonly Used in Rail Transportation Industry

    Washers for Loosening Fastening Schemes Commonly Used in Rail Transportation Industry

    One of the fastening challenges that the rail transit industry needs to address is how to avoid bolt loosening due to dynamic vibration. In the connection of threaded fasteners, various types of alternating loads may be received under actual application conditions, and the partial failure of the threaded connection is usually caused by its own looseness and fatigue damage. Therefore, how to choose suitable anti-loosening products and rigorous anti-loosening designs for customers in the rail transit industry is one of the important tasks in the design of screwed fastening connections.

  • 1902-2020
    Why use a washer?
  • 1511-2019
    The difference between flat washers, spring washers and stop washers

    The difference between flat washers, spring washers and stop washers

    Washers are often used with bolts to secure bolts. Common washers have flat washers, spring washers and stop washers. So what is the difference between the three? Let's take a look at the difference between flat washers, spring washers and stop washers.

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